Jonas Rembert

Early brewer and founder in Asheville, NC. I got my start in the backyard in Weaverville, NC which were my fondest memories. I opened two breweries I built in 1996 (Green Man) and 2001 (French Broad) respectively, both still extant. I am a Master Brewer and the author of Starlight in a Glass.

jonas rembert

Primary and Secondary Fermentation in Beer: What’s the Difference?

Fermentation is arguably the most important part of brewing.  This is the process by which yeast transforms malt sugar into ethyl alcohol.  And I believe the technical term for finished product is, “YAHOO!!!” The result of fermentation is this relaxing beverage with toasty, bready flavors and perhaps the bitterness, spicy and floral characteristics contributed by

Primary and Secondary Fermentation in Beer: What’s the Difference? Read More »

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